Labour-run Barking and Dagenham Council is, once again, proposing to increase Council Tax by the maximum of 5%.
Despite the Government withdrawing support for Dagenham’s pensioners through the peak of winter, and increasing taxes despite saying they wouldn’t during the election, Labour are punishing local people with another tax rise!
Local people have seen Council Tax increases year on year whilst services seem to be getting worse and worse and the Council’s financial position getting worse too.
Labour-run Barking and Dagenham Council are borrowing millions of pounds to build high-rise towerblocks in Barking and forcing the people of Dagenham to pick up the bill.
We believe this cannot continue and should have never begun.
So we have setup a petition to the Council to stop another Council Tax rise on Barking and Dagenham residents.
Local people shouldn’t have to pay to fix Labour’s mistakes.
Sign the petition below: